Tuesday, June 23, 2020


Serial No.03 on JEEVAN LABH
( Maturity & Investment & Rate of Return)

Hello Friends.

I hope each one of you must be taking proper care of yourself and your family from pandemic corona virus ..that is primarily essential prior to any assignment.

In previous blog serial  No. 01 & serial No.02 on Jeevan labh ( Maturity & Investment & Rate of Return, CAGR) ,we  learned "TRICK"/ "IDEA", calculations and  how to know or how to remember the Maturity and Investment/premium for all 3 Jeevan labh.......

Today's blog ,we will try to learn the Rate of Return /'Compounding Annually Growth Rate" (CAGR), calculations on Saving / premium/Investments.........under 936/21(15) & Comperision with Bank saving/investment/RD/FD.

Client Saving  ₹1 lakh Yly for 15yr on Interest@7.0% Compd Annually then Maturity ₹ 40,35,169.00 lakhs on 21st yrs.
    Value at the end of 21 yr is ₹ 40.35 lakh

936-21(15) Presentation 
Calculations for 936-21(15) with Same Premium without GST, Aprrox ₹ 1 lakh for same period (15yr) and Maturity on 21st yrs with current declared Bonus Rate.

          SUM ASSURED : 19,20,000

   936-21(15)Maturity Value ₹ 40.07 lakhs

✓ Maturity Value Almost near to CAGR @7.0% of saving account.. I Can say almost same with current declard bonuses.
✓ Complimentry cover or Cover of 19 lakhs to 40 lakh at the price of GST..4450 + (2225 x14=31,150) ,total ₹ 35,600/-
✓ Since GST is mandatory central govt and state govt charges ..this GST part can not be considered as saving component for return.....In this case insurance cover 19 to 40 lakh is Complimentary along with 7% actual return on actual saving.
( in above example..DAB not opted due to optional rider )

(A)Return  @7.0% on saving of 1 lakh yly compounding (CAGR) = ₹40,35,000
                       - Less
(B) GST OR (cost of cover) = ₹ 35,600.00
(C) ₹ = 39,99,400/- which is almost same as 40,07,000 for rate of return explanation.
Total Maturity  = ₹ 40,07,000
Note:  Indirectly complimentry cover 19 lakh to 40 lakh is "FREE TERM INSURANCE" along with CAGR  @7% on savings/investment. 

Bank RD/FD with same 1 lakh saving for same period...and zero life Cover for entire period of 21yrs.

Net Returns ₹26.62 lakhs from bank after taxation @31%  

I hope, now you can verbally able to calculate either investment or Maturity along with rate of return in 936-25(26)  & 936-21(15) .

I hope you understood, positive advantageous difference in favour 936-21(15) over Bank savings/Investment.

     (Future Value = SA+ declared Bonus)

Note: All above calculations are based on current Bonus rates..for the educational purpose.

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दोस्तों यह मेरे अपने व्यूप्वाइंट है  टू एजुकेट, आपको अगर अच्छे लगते हैं तो आप अपने DO's दोस्तों से अपने फ्रेंड से अपने agents से शेयर कर सकते  for education purpose . आपके एजेंटस बहुत जल्दी MDRT बन सकते हैं👍👍...

दोस्तों एग्जांपल ₹100000 इंवेस्टमेंट का बनाया है आप चाहे तो 50000 OR 25000 OR  200000 OR 5,00,000 का भी बना सकते हैं और किसी भी InvestmenT / Saving केे साथ Complimentry Cover OR Free Cover दे सकते है. 
"एक IDEA को अपना बना लो, मन‌ मे बसा लो,
एक IDEA आपकी जिंदगी पैसों से बदल देगा"

Next Blog Serial No.04 will be only on JEEVAN LABH 936-16(10) on Investment & Maturity & Rate of Return & Comparision with other options with Bank FD etc...with additional selling ideas for plan Jeevan labh...intazaar kijiye...

N. R. Singh
DEV.OFFICER,Mob.no 9820437671           LIC BR 912/ MDO IV / MUMBAI MAHARASHTRA / INDIA


  1. Once Again Super Studious Presentation on Jeevan Labh by Our Guru.

    Thanks Sir.

    *Mr. Siddharth Arun Pandurkar,*
    Senior Business Associate (SBA)
    LIC of INDIA
    *Mob.9421265193 / 8600685193*
    Website- *livetimesoft.in/identity/SiddharthArunPandurkar/*
    My Channel- *youtube.com/channel/UC9HgvWgw0vO7TMM-cOHDRTQ*

  2. Very useful explanation. Comparison is superb. Easily sell the policy without any hardship.

  3. Very useful for Agents. Easy explanation. Comparison with other investments is superb. Not only it willswill our timing and get fruitful results also.

  4. Really superb....Step by step...You have briefed

    Very useful points civered
    ..Which makes Jeevan Labh more attractive..

  5. Sir!
    It is an excellent presentation for marketing the plan 936 with this assumption and much more helpful in the insurance & financial market.
